Times are changing. Many German-speaking journals like the ‚Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift‘, the ‚Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift‘ and the ‚Deutsche Ärzteblatt‘ already established themselves.
Because of the electronic development (for instance the increase of internet users throughout the decades), electronic media and an electronic German-speaking journal (which will be also published in English) are rare. The open access for doctors and patients is a key feature. Therefore, it is crucial that the publication can be accessed easily and be read freely. In fact, the former German-speaking journals boast an established quality, nevertheless, a pure ‘online-journal’ with an open access and published in English and German is still missing. The latest and for everyone accessible information from all the different medical disciplines can be presented now.
There should be an electronic room for innovation, which still will be developed in the further digital development.